Shipping Policy
How can I access free shipping?
The minimum purchase to get free shipping is $1,899 MXN
How do I track my order?
Once your order is shipped, we will send you a tracking code to the email address you provided, which you can use to monitor the delivery and check the status of the package on the website of the courier company in charge (Fedex). For more information or problems with the delivery, you can contact the FedEx customer service number with your tracking number, Tel. 55 5228 9904.
What is the delivery time for my order?
All deliveries are made from Monday to Friday, during business hours (09:00 hrs to 21:00 hrs). It is essential that there is someone at the delivery address to receive the goods and sign the delivery receipt.
The courier will make a second visit to the indicated address if the package could not be received on the first delivery attempt.
What is the delivery time for my order?
Once we confirm your payment in our system, the order is prepared for dispatch and the delivery time begins. All our shipping methods normally take 2 to 6 business days to reach their destination.
Note: There are some zip codes with special delivery frequency that may extend the estimated delivery time.
***Some weather factors, accidents or adverse situations may interfere with the delivery of the order.
Can I authorize a third party to receive my order?
Of course, a third person can receive the order as long as they are authorized and present official identification.
If there is no one to receive the order, what happens?
There will be 2 attempts to deliver the order, on different days and times. If the delivery is still unsuccessful, the product may remain at an office of the courier company in charge so that you can go and collect it, otherwise it will be returned to our Distribution Center.
Important:Â If the package returns to our warehouse, a new shipping charge will be made.
Types of shipments available
RAVGE CO. has 2 shipping options for delivery that you can select at the time of purchase, depending on the amount. We make deliveries through FeEx, the package is assigned by the system at the end of your purchase and cannot be modified.
Regular Shipping:Â It takes 2-5 business days from payment confirmation and order dispatch. The cost varies depending on the amount of your purchase, unless there is a current promotion where free shipping applies from a certain amount.
Free Shipping: Consists of 2-5 business days from confirmation of payment and dispatch of the order.
I still haven't received my order, what do I do?
In case there is any problem with the When shipping by parcel service, it is the customer's responsibility to track the shipment as necessary. This is because the parcel service requires personal information and details that only the customer has. It is a faster and more efficient process than triangulating information between three parties. The FedEx customer service number is: 55 5228 9904 and you only need to have the tracking number on hand.
It is important that the customer always tracks the shipment to avoid this type of situation:
- Delayed packages
- Wrong address
- Change of address
- Returns to origin
- Etc.
Deliveries are guaranteed; in the event of confirmed loss or misplacement, we will replace the merchandise.